Comments on: 5 Ways You May Not Realize Obamacare Is Hurting Americans Making Money Less Insane Wed, 12 Feb 2020 22:58:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: arawydte Thu, 15 Dec 2016 10:50:53 +0000 my Runty Mackenzie just got a new black Infinite G Convertible PL only from part time off a computer.
like  please please please . >>>>>>>>>>>//////////////////////////////

By: HongkeeCheng Fri, 25 Mar 2016 16:56:18 +0000 The arguments of this article sounds pretty weird…..

1. Benefiting the singles doesn’t mean to penalize the married. Can we say that giving out tax cut and tax return to the married households is to punish the singles and force them to be married? No! There is always a particular class of people who can benefits the most from a particular policy. 

2. No insurance out there is always guaranteed that the premium will not go up and always stay the same. If it goes up and beyond people can afford, people sign off and that’s it.

3. I don’t know what were you implying. Were you implying medical reimbursement rate needed to be reviewed? Or, you were implying we shall call off the Obamacare and kick those Americans who could not afford medical attentions before back to where they belong so that the system can be back to “normal” again?

4.  I am not the expert at this matter but Im wondering if there is any option other than having ACOs in promoting such a national-wide scheme of health care thing. 

5. In the employers’ eyes, anything makes them pay more in business motivates them to cut costs including employees’ hours. Corporate tax does that, minimum wage does that, insurance for workplace does that and now Obamacare might do that too.  The question is it is worth doing it or not. The way I see it is, it protects more working class people from health related issues and frees them from saving money for future medical expense, which results to a greater productivity in workplace and more consumption spending in economy. They are the intangible benefits you’ll miss if you only look at the small picture.
