Comments on: 19 Easy Ways To Save Money Each Month Making Money Less Insane Wed, 14 Jun 2017 22:46:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: New Guy Wed, 14 Jun 2017 22:46:00 +0000 My tips:

1. Switch to cheaper brands on consumable products (toiletries, cooking ingredients, etc)

2. Cancel gym membership: Do you really need to have a ripped body? If no, a balanced diet and jogging everyday is enough to keep you healthy.

3. Cancel cable subscription: Everything is on the internet. Watch your favorite shows using the internet. Live stream live events.

4. Dont overspend on car insurance. You probably are without knowing it. I switched to Insurance Panda and I only pay 25/month.

5. Brew your own coffee or just drink instant coffee.

6. If possible (depending on where you live), sell or lessen using your car: Use public transportation or ride a bicycle to go to work/home.

7. Cancel phone plan and just use pre-paid.
