Comments on: 13 Benefits To Marrying A Jewish Woman Making Money Less Insane Fri, 24 Feb 2017 22:05:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Non-Jewish Jewess Fri, 24 Feb 2017 22:05:00 +0000 Loved this article. This is so funny. Never in my life did it even cross my mind to stereotype any groups, except for benign laughs, and I don’t think I’m Jewish (though I very much look like I might be: dark hair, brown eyes, olive skin, good sized nose, tight little body), but I fit the description 100% . Except that I love cooking and my mom never did. And, surprise-surprise, last five men interested in me (and me in some of them) are Jews. Well, I’ve been loving it.

It became ridiculous when I went to a show, and the Jew on the stage profiled the audience with just one other Jew among hundreds of people. That very guy proceeded to publicly, openly hit on me (respectfully, but intensely), followed by the guy on the stage ridiculing him, while complimenting me, and then sitting with me during his breaks, and emailing me after asking me out to a date. It was laughable. They picked me out of the crowd of hundreds of women, some pretty darn hot. As if they sniffed all of the above in me at first sight.

Some time ago, I fell wildly in love with one who was most Jewish of all of them, also fitting almost all stereotypes. It’s not going away, though he disappeared on me. Being a true Jewish princess lol with my princess standards (minus materialism, but yes, thrifty as hell, a careful investor, with funds and property, and hefty savings, paying attention to every dime), I let go of him instantly. You don’t mess with a Jewish woman, okay? I still love to the core every single thing about him. Which is easy: I always loved all those characteristics. I just never before met anyone who has them all. There was this moment I never had in my life where some non-schizophrenic voice in my head screamed at me something I never believed in: This is the man! I think he should just come back and marry me! Ta-daaaah! (Yes, I am joking.) When I had that moment, I went and told a coworker, stating I will never in my life say this again. You know, just in case I went crazy, and just so that this voice never, ever again returns with its dumb ideas. If he isn’t, I will never say it again. And, well, come to think of it, if he is, I will never say it again. Even though he’s a bit of a blockhead right now, for a man like him, yep, number 4: if you as much as look at him the wrong way, I’d be ready to fry you alive, dip you in tar and throw you to the bottom of the Dead Sea. And I’m not Italian either.

Anyway, the more I read and heard about Jewish culture, the more I realized that I found the people I fit among like a glove. Almost all my favorite writers, artists, and everyone I love is Jewish. I just never connected the dots. So much so that I actually just did an ancestry test, just in case. Can I just convert to a secular Jew?
