Comments on: 30 Things Guys Say And What They Really Mean Making Money Less Insane Wed, 25 Mar 2020 19:39:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kira Jahn Fri, 26 Jan 2018 20:19:00 +0000 When women get emotional, we cry, we pout, we rage. When men get emotional, they punch, murder, and rape women. A woman is raped in America every 1.25 seconds. The most common injury to women between 25 and 40 is being beaten up by a man she knows. Men’s version of emotion is pretty fucking scary.

By: Gabs2234 Mon, 20 Feb 2017 04:56:38 +0000 What does it mean when a guy asks you to massage his forehead?

By: Fabulous_queen_19 Wed, 11 Jan 2017 01:31:40 +0000 Us woman don’t get angry that much. It is you men that angry when something goes wrong

By: Fabulous_queen_19 Wed, 11 Jan 2017 01:30:33 +0000 inviteddemon We don’t get angry that much. it is you men who get angry a-lot when things go wrong.

By: PaigeHalle Tue, 26 Apr 2016 20:24:53 +0000 Loving Asian Haha, you’re funny. Have you actually dated a sensitive guy that isn’t gay? I have… and let me tell you, he most DEFINITELY some of these things with THESE thoughts behind them. He is sensitive and when he does actually care about a girl, he is a really good lover. But sometimes the sensitivity does bite them in the ass, and I’m like 100% sure he said this or that with THESE thoughts behind them when dating me. That doesn’t mean that he’s a terrible creature or anything. Quite the opposite. This guy was depicting the reality. That’s the reality of how men think. I know it’s somewhat sexist. But it really does go for both sexes. You might say this or that towards a loved one or even a friend with these sorts of thoughts behind it. You also can’t say that you haven’t thought about the men you’ve met romantically either. It always becomes a question with every man you mean. Just like it is with men. Women just don’t talk about it like that. Some women feel sleezy or feel really awful about it because they deem it wrong. That very same guy that I dated, I also can say I did things I wouldn’t normally do simply because I was bored and not because I actually had feelings. If you don’t date somebody in the world… and see where he is saying this or that with these thoughts behind it… then you’re so naive. I’m sorry sorry. I am a woman and I am speaking honestly. If you want to live in your dreamworld, go ahead and do it. You’re right that men CAN be more loving and that they also can love a women enough that he will die for her. But “All men aren’t like that.” I believe you mean, “not all men are like that,” but the sad truth is, they ARE. The difference between them and the man that actually loves enough that he’d die for the girl is that… the man that loves enough that dies for the girl, actually LOVES the girl. When the man doesn’t love the girl, he isn’t going to be as caring towards her. He isn’t willing to jump in front of the bus for her. But every single one of those men that actually end up LOVING somebody in the way that he would die for her… can’t say that they didn’t act like this or think like this for somebody in the past. Everybody HAS. Unless this guy fell in love at five years and loved that girl all his life and was besties with her… it’s hard to believe that he wouldn’t have thought like this at some point. But honestly… you can bet your ass that he has thought some of these things even with the girl he loves. He’ll apologize simply because he doesn’t want to argue about it anymore. Maybe he’s exhausted and the guy added humor to it on purpose. It’s humor. They might not really think “can we have sex now?” But you can bet your life on it that they really do just want to stop arguing even if they still think you’re right and still think you’re wrong. It eventually doesn’t matter anymore, the sensitive guys might just apologize because they don’t want to lose you. Or they might be telling you that they don’t want to lose you because they don’t want you to be angry at them anymore, they just feel like letting you win is worth more than exhausting themselves over it. Instead, I can tell you the guy I was talking about actually thought like this, said it like this too. I can also tell you he is the kind that would lie just to get you to stick around. He also probably never saw it through my point of view. I can also tell you, that I knew this the entire time I argued with him and personally I only continued arguing because I was insulted and just wanted him to apologize. Some women are simple too. I do tend to overthink, and think the same way this guy said women do. But I know how to think simply too. When it comes to guys, it is actually that simple. It is actually noticeable too and we do actually pick up on it. But whether we choose to ignore it or argue with the guy is up to us. I chose to ignore it and later got told I was naive. Or gave off the appearance that I didn’t actually care. Truth is, I did care. I just don’t like arguing.

By: CrazyCatDP Fri, 08 Apr 2016 12:45:43 +0000 I’ve been told by an ex lover that he wants to Marry me, however in the past i found that he wasn’t really a man of his word. Does he mean what he says? keeping in mind we now live in different Cities.

By: Tir Fri, 26 Feb 2016 08:06:04 +0000 I asked my man about this and he asked if it was written by a teenager…lol.

By: inviteddemon Tue, 09 Feb 2016 13:21:34 +0000 *Repost. Clicked button early.
Yeah… you women can get angry, but it’s an honest guy that’ll tell you it’s accurate. And just because sex is there in the back of the mind, it doesn’t make any difference to anything. Every guy you’ve ever met, with the exclusion of gay men, have to some extent thought about sleeping with you, even just to tell themselves that’s a horrible idea and how could anyone think like that.
Fact is, every person everywhere has a however many thoughts, feelings, impulses, desires, remarks, and whatever else that they don’t act on. That’s the only difference between everyone. What we act on and what we don’t. That’s it. Some people act on the crappy impulses, some people act on the socially acceptible ones, most meet a middle ground.
If you can’t face seeing the truth of what goes on in MANY peoples heads, then why the hell are you even looking into this kind of thing in the first place? Although chances are you lie to yourself at an above average rate anyway. 
We all have the impulse to be nasty, to be a douche, to be nice, to sleep with people, to lie, or to be brutally honest because we’re sick of keeping things to ourselves, and just about everything else we do. Some people have some impulses more often, some have some impulses less often. We all have them. If you can honestly sit there and say “I’ve never at any one point in my life ever said or thought about saying one of these things or something similar with the same meaning behind it” then either you’re an alien, somehow emotionally perfect, or you’re more likely a liar.
You don’t want to know what goes on inside peoples heads. Not really. Not if you can’t face horrible truths, or uncomfortable truths about yourself.

By: Loving Asian Tue, 06 Oct 2015 03:56:20 +0000 imfuckingbored Love your thoughts… You are 100 % correct 😀

By: Loving Asian Tue, 06 Oct 2015 03:55:32 +0000 All men aren’t like that. I don’t really think like that about men at all …. You are just making men the worse creatures on Earth … Men are also very sensitive.. When a man loves someone , He’ll even die in order to get her love

Men are more loving than women … 

Please correct the errors in your post .. Its totally wrong..
