Comments on: Does It Really Matter How Long You Wait To Sleep With Him? Making Money Less Insane Fri, 26 May 2017 06:31:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Thelof Fri, 26 May 2017 06:31:00 +0000 Love is what you do, not how you feel. How you feel is the chemicals in your brain that motivate you to think and act in certain ways. In all reality, someone who is attracted to you can’t wait to jump on your bones and If a woman is making you wait some arbitrary amount of time it means that she is not really sexually attracted to you. She has to work her way up to feeling that animal instinct that she would feel if you were an alpha male. Sorry to burst you guys bubble but if she is making you wait that is the reason why.

Look at it this way, everyone knows whether or not they would have sex with someone right away. There are no other qualifiers. Men are the most honest when it comes to our sexual attraction. Women are the most dishonest. For men, no matter how successful or accomplished as women is we have to be attracted. We just don’t really value any other qualities such as status and wealth or education like women do.

A women tries to think things logically, doe he have a good job, is he a nice guy, does he come from a good family, is he well educated. etc… Usually after all these qualifiers and many weeks of being wooed does she “give in” and finally has sex.

The sad part about all this is for a lot of these women, they have slept with countless numbers of men though college and afterwards that it seems kinda sad that someone would have to wait for such a women. Like their well used vagina is some kind of prize.

By: CandaceWalker Fri, 20 Jun 2014 01:50:19 +0000 Artisan219 ” The point of the rule is to make sure your boyfriend loves you before sex and not just because of sex.”

I don’t think I could ever love someone after a month. In fact if I waited to feel love before sex…it would be a long time before sex!

By: CandaceWalker Fri, 20 Jun 2014 01:47:40 +0000 Any man who will judge you negatively for behaviour he is happy to engage in is someone you don’t want to be with.

Simple as that.

The only ‘right time’ is when you’re both ready.

By: Artisan219 Fri, 06 Jun 2014 13:56:08 +0000 hittlistblog Artisan219 Sure, just link back to this page.

By: hittlistblog Thu, 05 Jun 2014 17:05:07 +0000 Artisan219 I LOVE your response. I like what you wrote better than the article! Can I share what you wrote on my blog? You can find it on wordpress. The Hitt List! Let me know..thanks!

By: Aesopsfable Sat, 31 May 2014 22:25:05 +0000 Okay.  First, it does depend on the people involved.  We are not machines and we don’t have an expiration date as to best when screwed by.  We are individuals that have different time lines.  The time line for sex is when both parties are comfortable with it.  Sometimes it’s six months and sometimes you hook up one night and then start dating.  Keep the rule simple, “when all involved are ready”  
A person should figure out for themselves whether or not they are ready or will ever be ready for a sexual relationship with the other person/people.  Some people need more time than others to be ready, but figure out if you are just not ready or will you never be ready with that other person/people.  If the answer is never; tell them and move on to being friends if possible.  Don’t just drag it out because you’re afraid of hurting their feelings, because what you are really doing is taking up the time they could be spending looking for someone that would like to be with them in the sexual arena.

By: Artisan219 Fri, 30 May 2014 18:00:13 +0000 My general rule of thumb is one month. It’s not a hard set rule, and like most men, if sex becomes a real possibility, then I’m not really going to beat myself up over going a little early. Sex can be casual, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s harder to turn wild night into an actual relationship. There’s a reason one-night stands are awkward the next day and its simply because the person you woke up with is really just an acquaintance, and I don’t know about the rest of you, but I generally don’t let random people into my home. At the time you were trying to get into her panties, that may not have mattered, but now you have things to do, she has to get home before work, and you realize you don’t know her last name or her favorite color. This kind of setup makes it a little socially awkward to call her up again. You just had sex, but you don’t have a deep bond, and in its own way casual sex is comparable to a firecracker instead of a candle. You light it, it burns, it pops, and now its done. You get into these mind games wondering if you call her back is she going to think you’re a stalker. You don’t know if she wants a relationship, but you had a good time and now you may actually want a date and you’re unsure of the etiquette of asking a one-time hookup to be something else. I have no idea how that goes for women, but I’m sure it’s not the most pleasant experience. Having ex too soon, it can really put the brakes on acclimating to each other as individuals. If you find out that your one-night stand is a staunch vegan and you have half a bucket of KFC and a few pounds of ground beef and bacon in the fridge, a long term relationship is probably unlikely. To go the distance in a relationship, both of you have to be moving in similar directions in life. That doesn’t mean you both have to be on the same page, to be honest I find that can actually cause more problems than you’d think, but your individual novels should probably be in the same genre. 

On the other hand, sex too late in the relationship can be a really trying experience. It comes down to two issues: investment and intimacy. Sex is an important part of the relationship once the genie is out of the bottle, so if you do wait six months and find out that you aren’t compatible sexually, not only are you going to be embarrassed, but you’ve invested half a year into a relationship and now this has happened. Now maybe you can work out your bedroom troubles , and after six months you should at least try, but it really changes the dynamic of the relationship and will change the way in which the two of you see your future together. That segues into intimacy. Now everyone is going to have a different definition for intimacy, but for me it is the measure of the trust in your relationship. If you find out that your partner has some sexual kinks you aren’t into, it’s going to affect how comfortable you are discussing sex. Personally I like to have some spontaneity with sex and when you get into a situation where you’re having discussions and making plans, it does for my part diminish some of the romance.

I say a month because it gives you space on the calendar for 4 weekend dates, some casual middle of the week hanging out, and most importantly, tons of texting, chatting, and communication, For me, it seems a good balance. But, ladies, if you want to have your six months, look at that objectively. The point of the rule is to make sure your boyfriend loves you before sex and not just because of sex. If he respects you, the relationship is going well, and you actually feel comfortable to have sex , holding onto a timeline may not be helping your relationship. But you are absolutely entitled to your timeline. I would just ask this if I was in that situation: TALK ABOUT IT. I know I said that over-thinking sex can take out the romance, but that’s not what I mean. Guys like to know where they stand, and if it’s been a few weeks and he’s not getting anywhere with that, he’s going to be curious what he’s doing wrong. Do I not make enough money, am I too short, does my place smell funny, did I say something about my mother? We as men only understand women so well and if we feel that we aren’t getting closer in the relationship, we come to the conclusion that A) we did something and B) that you’re not going to tell us. If this six-month rule is the only reason you’re not having sex, tell him that you’re getting excited and that he’s getting there. Talk to him early and tell him you don’t want to have sex too soon in the relationship. If he knows its not him, he’s going to be easier for him to respect your boundaries. When you get closer to having sex, maybe talk about what you do and don’t like in the bedroom. After awhile maybe try phone sex if that works for you. Personally I love foreplay and if you think you can play without going too far, then by all means. You can stick to that six months easier by giving him a little more while leading up to it.
