Comments on: 3-Year-Old Claims To Remember Who Killed Him In Past Life, Leads Police To Body Making Money Less Insane Wed, 05 Feb 2020 20:38:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: melissa1998 Wed, 01 Jun 2016 10:54:50 +0000 The only problem with this story is the lack of evidence it has to it. If we want to believe this story then we have to take Lasch’s word for it. Since there has been no further research on this case we cannot say whether it is a true story or not. We don’t even know and of the details such as the Boy’s name, the name of the dead person or the name of the murderer. There is also a lack of witnesses so therefore, there is no way of falsifying the story or even for someone to back up the claims given by the Doctor.

By: moreclicks Mon, 21 Sep 2015 22:02:01 +0000 Strange events in this world.  Isn’t it any more difficult to believe we are here more than once…than to accept our
precent existence? Who really knows?  Often those “ghosts” or reincarnation subjects have had traumatic deaths, it’s said that the electrical force remains.  Many stores about ghosts at Gettysburg battlefield.
Suggest you might read Twenty Cases suggestive of Reincarnation by Dr. Ian Stevenson written many years ago. Not in a sensational type presentation, but a scientific study. Some interesting cases profiled.

By: ChadPoelman Sat, 22 Aug 2015 12:16:52 +0000 Thing is we are a getting at least a third hand account of this.  We don’t know if the story had changed over time, or if everyone involved was being honest, or if it was recounted accurately in the retelling.  This is at best an interesting story, but there are far too many holes for this to be considered evidence of anything.

By: AndrewAbad Sun, 28 Jun 2015 22:08:10 +0000 just my theory.  some say when they die they go to some sort of path and meet god , then god throws them off to earth again and thus reborn. why where they reborn? mostly all of the reincarnated people speak of tragedy of their past lives . maybe God was thinking that life was took from them and God said that we have no right to kill. so maybe God had given them a chance to fulfill their god given destiny or if not (mostly because of free will), relive a life again that was taken from them

By: dolores70 Tue, 12 May 2015 18:00:28 +0000 amadhatter53 If you read Journey of Souls by  Michaal Newton you will find all your answers.

By: SueKelly2 Fri, 08 May 2015 00:29:54 +0000 I am fascinated by this subject as I came to a similar ‘belief’ of my own many years ago when the ‘dying rooms’ were exposed (China’s slow and systematic slaughter of mainly baby girls). I was so distraught by the issue that I concluded that we must be sent here to earth in order to either learn something or to teach something. In my mind, those who suffer so horribly are sent here to learn humility or maybe how to suffer without retaliation. I can’t expand further as I have no theoretical knowledge of the subject – it was just the only way that I could rationalise my simple and easy existence while these innocents were starved to death. It is very reassuring to find that maybe I had a glimpse of a memory which referred me to what could possibly be the ultimate truth. I certainly believe that organised religion has caused more trouble and death/hardship/witch-hunts etc than anything else in the world. And yes, Dave Allen was right when he talked of a particular religious group sitting in a corner in heaven and crying as they had just found out that they weren’t the only ones there!  🙂

By: SandraVaughan Thu, 07 May 2015 00:15:15 +0000 aBigPurpleDiamond justiceismybtch my grandma did the same thing- whisper in the middle of night- “Sandra I gotta go now”  She wasn’t sick I just talked to her a week before and then the call-

By: yhawit Tue, 05 May 2015 16:42:12 +0000 How would the kid know where the body and axe were buried? That must’ve meant that his soul or spirit, or whatever, watched the murder after death, meaning maybe he never left the physical plane before reincarnating and hence why he retained his memory 😛

By: pradip_26 Sat, 25 Apr 2015 10:52:44 +0000 amadhatter53 The spiritual texts referred in the India have some explanations to your questions but it just provides a logical base. Actual details is difficult to be verified since there is no physical evidence on this. Regarding reassignment, the texts do mention that the mind impressions of the earlier birth at the time of death do to a high degree decide the next assignment. Also linkages with other people , locations , habits have a role too. I also somewhat agree with this since I have had some sort of experiences which have brought out interests which I did not have in my childhood. Again regarding the committe etc, it is difficult for anyone to give a confirmed answer since we do not have evidences. Animals, humans etc all get reincarnated is what the texts indicate.

By: MarieBir Wed, 08 Apr 2015 10:00:16 +0000 shirleyis MarieBir MichelleLilly rudometal Thank you Shirley for your lovely and so informitive reply you are a very old soul on your last incarnation I feel . My mother was an old soul and has informed me she will not be back in an earthly body .I always find empathy with a soul with similarity to mine over 50 years of spiritual enlightenment I have always found this so. 
May The Blessings Be
