Comments on: 30 Ridiculous Laws That Could Get You Arrested Making Money Less Insane Wed, 05 Feb 2020 20:39:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: theideasofasimpleton Wed, 28 May 2014 02:11:54 +0000 Isn’t it against Islamic culture to own a dog? Obviously correct me if I’m mistaken, but I thought that Muslims are against the ownership of dogs, and some go to the extent of truly hating dogs, because it was thought that Muhammed (peace be upon him) hated dogs. I’m not Muslim, so cannot give clear reasons why, but from what I gather, It is / was thought that dogs can sense your inner essence and If Muhammed’s (peace be upon him) child wife, Aisha, got a dog, the dog would attack Muhammed and that Muhammed (peace be upon him) was perhaps attacked by dogs at a younger age, so therefore sparking his initial hatred for dogs and then refusing Aisha a dog, because if they owned a dog, the dog would sense that Muhammed has a hatred for dogs and therefore attack him. Not exactly great journalism, nor is it entirely respectful to a religion to say “The Saudi Islamic religious police fear men may use their animals as a way to pick up chicks” is it? And to then further disrespect the religion and culture by including their laws in a list of the 30 most ridiculous laws is fairly shameful to be honest. Funny thing is, being an atheist, I couldn’t actually give two shits what people believe. I have mine, they have theirs, but when people come from i presume a Christian background and take the piss out of laws in other religions, I hate that, and makes me start to question the tolerance people have for one another if you disrespect other beliefs like that. Rant over.
