Google Glass And Helmet Cams Make NFL Training Camps Watchable (Video)

NFL Punters have the best job in the world. Getting paid roughly $400k a year to catch a football and then swing your leg at it between 3-6 times a game. Sign me the hell up. Some people want their kids to be stud quarterbacks. Screw that. Lord, give me a punter! If I could do it all over again, I’d have my sights set on a 15-year-long NFL punting career. You play the game as an anonymous guy on the sidelines, don’t do shit during practice, and get to collect a pretty sweet check.
Oakland Raiders punter Chris Kluwe is enjoying his downtime during training camp. Instead of kicking balls into a net and scoping out talent among the camp spectators, Kluwe donned Google Glass and shot some cool point-of-view videos. One video is of Kluwe catching a Sebastian Janikowski kickoff. In the other video, Janikowski puts the glasses on to kick field goals while Kluwe holds.
Now let’s see what happens when a real football player, Adrian Peterson, takes some point-of-view footage.