Delicious News: Make A Gummy Version Of Yourself

Does anyone else think that being able to make a human-sized sugary replica of yourself is creepy? No? Moving on then.
So this isn’t exactly a bronze statue and it’s definitely not an antique, but I guess it is a little cool, AND it looks super tasty. There is a café by the name of FabCafe in Japan that is offering anyone who walks in the ability to make a life-sized gummy bear model of themselves. The price? A mere 6,000 Yen, or like 65 bucks. That’s it. I don’t even think you can get hand-sized gummy bears in the US for that price anymore. Or a hooker. Or any sort of fun, especially since you can’t even go to the movies for less than 50 bucks.
For $65 you get to use the latest 3D body scanner technology. Basically the computer scans an image of you, makes a mold of you, and gummifies you. Plus you get to choose the color of your gummy. What’s not to love?
Obviously the answer is “nothing”, because FabCafe has had an excellent response over their new offering from both native citizens and travelers. In case you were wondering, this is the same revolutionary café that let people make chocolate replicas to give to their sweethearts for Valentine’s Day. In Japan, only women give gifts on Valentine’s Day. Then there’s a follow up day called White Day when men are expected to come up with fantastic, creative gifts for their girlfriends and wives.
I mean com’on, which significant other WOULDN’T want a giant gummy casting of someone they adore? It’s like they’re there… all the time… only they melt in direct sun. I guess that’s pretty close to some people. You can even pose in a position that will “captivate” the recipient of a gummy-you (yeah, you go ahead and get creative with THAT one, gentlemen).
Though FabCafe refuses to discuss the amount of cash it poured into this system, some experts estimate they spent thousands on their new gimmick and will be using the full body scanner for other projects in the future. What they’re going to do with a bunch of naked man-molds, though, is way beyond me.
On one hand, this is a sort-of romantic present that I think just about anyone would get a kick from if it were presented to them on a pseudo-Valentine’s Day. On the other hand, I think it would also be an awesome gift to someone you hate. Then, when you say “bite me,” you can really mean it, right from your little gummy heart.
[Images via Facbcafe]