Netflix Introduces New ‘Flixies’ Awards

OK, this is super cute. I mean really, even if you’re a manly man who’s doing reps while you’re reading this, how could you seriously not think the word “Flixies” is freaking adorable?
Netflix seems to agree with me, at least, because for the first time ever it’s introduced the “Flixies Awards,” awards given out depending on your votes. Because let’s all admit it, we’ve all grabbed a box of popcorn and a six-pack and watched an entire season or two of “Battlestar Galactica” in a weekend, because it was awesome, and we couldn’t tear ourselves away. By the way, that’s totally one of the series you can vote for in one of the “Best of” categories, so you should go check that out right now.
But the categories aren’t all your standard “best show” categories. Just like the word “Flixies,” Netflix went for a more whimsical, outgoing feel when it decided which categories it was going to include for awards. Some of these categories are things like, “Best TV Marathon,” but others are much more hilarious like, “Best Hangover Cure,” and “Best Bromance.” When you enter a category, the page tells you a little more about what you should be looking for when you nominate one of the 13 or so shows available for your vote.
Netflix is the ultimate entertainer for many households since it’s so much cheaper than cable (and not to mention commercial-free). Netflix prides itself so much on its ability to entertain just about anyone that it recently released a 13-episode miniseries of its own called “House of Cards.” The show has been in creation for a very long while, but CEO Reed Hastings wanted to make the whole season available at the same time, so he decided to wait until it was complete was the best option. Oh, yeah, and he wanted to make sure it could be included in the “Best TV Marathon” nominees’ list, which only includes completed series. I wonder why.
Netflix is even good for parents longing to get their kids off their backs and hooked on the TV for a minute while they do the dishes—and have a drink while they’re at it. There are a number of kid-friendly movies and shows available, all the way from “Pocahontas” to “Dora the Explorer.” There’s even room for gems like “Best Tantrum Tamer,” if you feel so inclined to vote in that category, too.
For now, here are the categories:
- Best Tantrum Tamer
- Best Commute Shortnr (Yes, “shortnr,” because they’re shortening it.)
- Best Hangover Cure
- Best Bromance
- Best Guilty Pleasure
- Best PMS Drama
- Best TV Marathon
You can only vote until March 10, so start cramming shows down your throat now, so you’ll know which to vote for. Besides, who doesn’t want to watch “Art of Rap” and “Wreckreation Nation” all weekend to see which is deserving of the “Favorite Commute Shortnr” award?
[Image via Netflix]