Warner Bros. Gives Green Light To ‘Entourage’ Movie

After at least a year of speculation, Warner Bros. gave the green light on a movie version of “Entourage,” the hit series that aired on HBO from 2004 to 2011. The film will reprise the Hollywood exploits of Vincent “Vinnie” Chase (Adrian Grenier), Eric “E” Murphy (Kevin Connolly), Johnny Drama (Kevin Dillon), Turtle (Jerry Ferrara) and Vinnie’s agent Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven).
Series creator and co-producer Doug Ellin is on board to direct the film, and deals are in the works to sign the actors. The series ended in 2011 with Ari Gold promising his wife he would leave the Hollywood life, only to get a call from Warner Bros. in the series closing moments offering him the position of CEO. Although script details are still under wraps, the plot is rumored to surround Vince being offered a role in a big movie.
We’re teed up for a movie in a way that, you know, Ari has this conundrum that he’s facing,” Piven said during an appearance on “The Talk” last year, “which is either to rule the world or to honor his love to his wife.”
No matter where the story ends, it’s bound to be filled with tons of memories and a good deal of fun for audiences.
I think a 90-minute movie of sheer craziness — the guys getting back to just being about the guys, you know?” series executive producer Mark Wahlberg said last June. “Lose the ladies. Go crazy. Give people what they want.”
The “Entourage” series ended with Vincent on his way to get married and Eric reuniting with Sloan.