Want To Drop Some Post-Holiday Pounds? Freeze Off Fat With CoolSculpting

Holiday overeating followed by New Year’s battles of the bulge. It’s an annual cycle experienced by millions worldwide. A new treatment offers an alternative solution to trim the fat for those impatient to wait on exercise and wary of invasive procedures such as liposuction. Coolsculpting, also known as cryolipolysis, promises to “freeze off” fat with gel patch that clamps onto a targeted area—such as love handles or a beer belly—and freezes fat cells beneath the skin.
“CoolSculpting is an easy in-office procedure and freeze away that bulge in their stomach or love handles,” New York City-based dermatologist Michele Green told the UK’s Daily Mail. “It is especially popular after the holidays when we have all eaten too much.”
The sub-zero temperatures of the patch kill fat cells, which the body flushes away over several months. One treatment can last between one and several hours and is reportedly painless as patients often work of watch movies during the procedure.
CoolSculpting is proving particularly popular with men who tend to avoid surgical fat removal options such as liposuction. According to the Daily Telegraph, 45 percent of Coolsculpting patients at California’s Marina Plastic Surgery are male, compared to just 13 percent of overall patients.
“The men have their love handles treated,” plastic surgeon Grant Stevens told the Telegraph. “The other place is the tummy, and they also have their man boobs done. Women go for love handles, muffin tops, the thighs and arms.”
As with most weight-loss procedures, however, Coolsculpting can’t replace proper diet and exercise regimens. Fat loss in the targeted area may be permanent, but fat can still be accumulated in other areas.
“The ideal candidate is someone in good shape who simply has a bulge that they cannot reduce either through diet or exercise but they are physically fit,” Green said.
[Image via CoolSculpting]