Ford Fusion Named Green Car of the Year

Green Car Journal announced today the Ford Fusion won the annual Green Car award at the 2012 Los Angeles Auto Show. The 2013 mid-sized sedan beat contenders manufactured by Dodge, Mazda and Toyota. The Fusion is available in a variety of drive train options and prices. In fact, the range of available power trains was a main reason the Fusion took the top prize from the Green Car Journal, which recognizes leadership in reducing tailpipe emissions. Judges also applauded the vehicle for its accessible price, its styling, performance and its fuel economy.
“It won by virtue of the fact that it offers an array of choices,” Green Car Journal editor Ron Cogan said after announcing the award. “This is huge.”
The less expensive standard 2.5-liter engine is available for as little as $21,700 and still gets 31 to 37 miles per hour in highway driving. The four-cylinder engine also offers a hybrid model which gets about 47 miles per gallon when driven in both highway and city, as well as a plug-in hybrid that gets an incredible 100 “miles per gallon equivalent.”
“This is a great testament for Ford,” said David Mondragon, Ford general marketing manager, upon acceptance of the award. “We’ve moved our brand from laggards to leaders in fuel economy.”
The winner was chosen by a judging panel including Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune, Global Green USA president Matt Petersen, Ocean Futures Society president Jean-Michel Cousteau, car enthusiast Jay Leno and Green Car Journal staff.
[Image via Yaromir/Shutterstock]