Trending Archives | Wall Street Insanity Making Money Less Insane Wed, 05 Feb 2020 20:31:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 39880650 9 Reincarnation Stories That Will Give You Goosebumps Thu, 19 Feb 2015 20:16:21 +0000 The concept of reincarnation — the idea that old souls are reborn into new bodies — has existed for thousands of years. It’s part of the Hindu and Buddhist traditions; it’s also become quite popular among many non-religious people. Some insist that it’s real and that stories like the following are proof of its existence, while others insist that it’s ...

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Image via Shutterstock

Image via Shutterstock

The concept of reincarnation — the idea that old souls are reborn into new bodies — has existed for thousands of years. It’s part of the Hindu and Buddhist traditions; it’s also become quite popular among many non-religious people. Some insist that it’s real and that stories like the following are proof of its existence, while others insist that it’s all a bunch of nonsense. Whatever you believe, these nine stories are certainly creepy enough… but does that mean reincarnation really exists? Read and decide for yourself:

1. Murdered boy reincarnated.

An anonymous reader of the Epoch Times shared a story in which her 3-yearold son told her that he liked his “new daddy,” even though the reader’s husband was his biological father. Confused, the mother asked him why. He replied, “My old daddy was really mean. He stabbed me in the back and I died. But I really like my new daddy, he’d never do that to me.”

2. Boy is his own grandpa.

18-month-old Gus Taylor’s grandfather, Augie, had died a year before Gus was born. However, according to Listverse, the year-and-a-half-old Gus claimed that he was his own grandfather. When he was four, he was able to identify Augie in family photographs, even though he had never seen the man in real life.

That might not sound like much, but it gets weirder; years before, Augie’s sister was murdered and her body was dumped in San Francisco Bay. No one in the family had ever spoken of this to Gus, and consequently, everyone was shocked when Gus started talking about his dead sister.

3. Past life as a fighter pilot.

8-year-old James Leininger of Louisiana began talking about aviation at 2 years old. His parents reportedly knew nothing about the subject, and were amazed when their little boy started displaying such an extensive knowledge of planes.

Their amazement turned to alarm when James started having nightmares about being shot down by a plane with a red sun on it — a Japanese plane. He talked about having dreams and memories of being Lieutenant James McCready Huston, a World War II fighter pilot from Pennsylvania who had been killed in Iwo Jima more than 50 years earlier. Andrea, his mother, said that James would scream at the top of his voice, ‘Airplane crash, on fire, can’t get out, help,’ as he kicked and pointed to the ceiling.

Later, James told his parents that he had flown a plane called the Corsair from a boat called the Natoma. When James’s father decided to do some research, he discovered that there had been a small escort carrier called the Natoma Bay, which had been in the Battle of Iwo Jima, and that there really had been a pilot called James Huston. His plane was hit in the engine by Japanese fire on March 3, 1945. According to Jim Tucker, a psychologist at the University of Virginia, Huston’s plane crashed exactly the way that young James Leininger had described.

4. WWI veteran shot in the throat.

After developing a phobia of grey, rainy days, four-year-old Edward Austrian started complaining about a severe pain in his throat. Whenever it hurt, he reportedly said that his “shot” was hurting. When questioned, he told his mother that he had been in the trenches, in what she assumed to be World War I. He told detailed stories about his life and about being shot in the throat and killed.

Doctors couldn’t find a reason for Edward’s throat pain, so they took his tonsils out as a precaution. Eventually, though, he developed a cyst that no one could figure out how to treat. After he was encouraged to share more stories about his past life, the cyst disappeared. The doctors never determined the reason why.

5. A serial killer in a past life?

A reddit user had the following chilling story to share:

“Since as long as I can remember I’ve had vivid dreams about being a serial killer from the 1940s or 1950s. I lived in an old farm house in the middle of the woods secluded from everyone. I buried my victims (all women with medium-length jet black hair and very pretty) on my property. There are at least 50 if not more. I’ve been dreaming about this guy since I can remember and the details never change. I don’t have a name or location but it bothers me enough that I tried searching and I don’t think I was ever caught.

Sometimes I have moments where I genuinely ‘miss’ my old life. In this life I wouldn’t hurt a fly and have dedicated myself to helping people. Sometimes certain situations trigger feelings that are not really me and I’m not sure where they come from. It’s always the same type of girl and always the same thoughts of how to disable her in order to get her back to my place. I’ve come to terms with it and pass it off as an intrusive thought but I’ve never wanted to act on it in this life.”


6. Civil War veteran reborn.

Another reddit user has a story about a friend who may have had a past life as a soldier during the American Civil War:

“I knew a guy who thought all things paranormal were nonsense and laughed at the mere thought there could be truth to anything outside what was ‘accepted.’ He told me a story of his though that really surprised me.

He was in his late 50s and his entire life, for as long as he could remember, he had a dream he was standing in a field. It was always the exact same layout, rolling hills, he could see the tree line from his vantage point. The only real landmarks were a lone tree and a wooden fence. Every time during the dream he felt as if he was a young boy and could ‘feel’ there was a large group of me with him, seemingly behind him.

He never told a soul, not his wife nor his kids. One day he took his family to Gettysburg while on vacation. That exact vantage point was the Union ‘high water line’ during the battle. It definitely disturbed him, but he still refused to consider it as being paranormal.” — war-scribe

7. Darth Vader?

Another reader of the Epoch Times shared the following story with the paper: “My older sister was born the year my dad’s mom died. According to my dad, as soon as my sister was old enough to say the words, she said, ‘I am your mother.’”

8. 3-year-old leads police to man who killed him in his past life.

A 3-year-old boy in the Golan Heights caused quite a stir when he claimed he was murdered in a past life. The boy, a member of the Druze ethnic group, which believes in reincarnation, had a long red birthmark on his head; according to some Druze beliefs, birthmarks indicate where death wounds occurred during a past life. When the boy learned how to talk, he started telling elders that he had been killed by an axe blow in a prior life.

The boy was led through several villages to see if any of them were familiar to him. Once he found a familiar village, he claimed that he knew exactly who had killed him.

“Suddenly the boy walked up to a man and said, “Aren’t you … (Eli [Lasch] forgot the name)?” The man answered yes. Then the boy said, “I used to be your neighbour. We had a fight and you killed me with an axe.” Eli told me how the man had suddenly gone white as a sheet. The three-year-old boy then said, “I even know where he buried my body.” — Trutz Hardo, “Children Who Have Lived Before: Reincarnation Today

Afterward, the boy led his elders to a pile of stones, under which they found a body with an axe wound in its head. He also led them to the spot where the axe was buried, reportedly forcing his killer to confess the crime.

9. The Barra Boy.

Also known as “The Boy Who Lived Before,” Cameron Macauley of Glasgow, Scotland, started telling his mother at the age of 2 that he wasn’t from Glasgow at all, but rather from a small island called Barra off the west coast of Scotland in the Outer Hebrides. Cameron described intimate details of his life there, including his black-and-white dog, the beach he used to walk on, his mother, the house they lived in and his seven siblings. He even named his former parents, claiming that his father’s name was Shane Robertson and that he had died in a car crash.

Determined to get to the bottom of all this, Cameron’s parents took him to Barra. Although no one there remembered anyone by the name of Shane, the Macauleys found the house Cameron had described — a house owned by the Robertsons. The black-and-white dog was in one of the family photo, and the car that Cameron remembered was there, too.

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Saudi Cleric Rejects Notion That Earth Revolves Around Sun (Video) Wed, 18 Feb 2015 17:54:58 +0000 In a recent video demonstrating that he does not know how airplanes or the rotation of the Earth work, a Saudi cleric refutes the idea that the Earth revolves around the Sun, claiming instead that the Sun must revolve around a stationary Earth. Ironically, this occurred on Feb. 15 — the 451st anniversary of Galileo’s birth. It began when a ...

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In a recent video demonstrating that he does not know how airplanes or the rotation of the Earth work, a Saudi cleric refutes the idea that the Earth revolves around the Sun, claiming instead that the Sun must revolve around a stationary Earth. Ironically, this occurred on Feb. 15 — the 451st anniversary of Galileo’s birth.

It began when a student asked Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari whether the Earth was stationary or moving; according to Al Arabiya News, he replied, “Stationary and does not move.” Explaining the logic behind this statement, he used a cup of water to represent the Earth, saying, that if a plane stops still in the air, “China would be coming towards it” if the Earth rotates in one direction. It the Earth rotates in opposite direction, however, the plane would never reach China, because “China is also rotating.”

Al Arabiya reports that in a different video, Sheikh al-Khaibari stated that man never went to the moon and that he considered NASA’s moon landing video a “Hollywood fabrication.”

Twitter users have taken notice of the cleric’s remarks, tweeting a hashtag that translates as #cleric_rejects_rotation_of_earth to promote scientific knowledge and support Galileo’s centuries-old claim that the Earth does, in fact, rotate around the Sun.

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Website That Will Ship Glitter To Your Enemies Goes Viral, Creator Begs Customers To Stop Buying And Looks To Sell Thu, 15 Jan 2015 16:32:17 +0000 Haters of the world, rejoice! This is your time to shine. Not only can you pay someone to anonymously send a box of animal feces to your enemies, now you can also anonymously send them an envelope of the worst substance known to mankind: glitter. Using the convenient new service Ship Your Enemies Glitter, you can literally ship your enemies ...

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screenshot via Ship Your Enemies Glitter

screenshot via Ship Your Enemies Glitter

Haters of the world, rejoice! This is your time to shine. Not only can you pay someone to anonymously send a box of animal feces to your enemies, now you can also anonymously send them an envelope of the worst substance known to mankind: glitter.

Using the convenient new service Ship Your Enemies Glitter, you can literally ship your enemies glitter.

“Want to piss off someone you dislike for only $9.99? Let us send them some stupid fucking glitter that is guaranteed to go everywhere,” reads the site. The process is simple: Find a person that you hate. Provide Ship Your Enemies Glitter with their address, then pay $9.99AUD (that’s about $8.20). This masterful organization will then send this person an envelope containing “so much glitter… that they’ll be finding that shit everywhere for weeks.” They will also send your chosen target a note informing them that they’re awful.

Ship Your Enemies Glitter, based in Australia, promises total anonymity; you pay them through PayPal (which Ship Your Enemies Glitter recommends sending an envelope of glitter to as well, because why not?) and your name appears nowhere on the either the envelope or the note. It also promises maximum glitter dispersal, as the note will be folded up around the glitter, thereby creating a glitter explosion when it’s pulled out of the envelope.

Currently, Ship Your Enemies Glitter’s services have been suspended due to overwhelming demand. According to the organization’s website, they’re still working through back orders. The site’s founder, Mathew Carpenter, has begged people to stop sending asking for glitter.

Please stop buying this horrible glitter product — I’m sick of dealing with it,” he wrote on Product Hunt.

Ship Your Enemies Glitter might even be for sale already. After getting a million page views in only 24 hours, Carpenter posted a Tweet offering to sell. It remains to be seen if anyone will bite; until they do, you’ll just have to daydream about how satisfying it will be when that person that you hate opens an envelope and spews about a pound of microscopic glitter onto both their clothing and living space, creating a toxic glitter zone that will take literally years to clean up.

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10-Year-Old Boy Gets Cutting Board For His Birthday, Then Opens The Real Gift In This Heartwarming Video Wed, 26 Nov 2014 22:49:11 +0000 Many kids, when presented with a cutting board instead of the tablet they really wanted, would make their displeasure violently, tearfully obvious. 10-year-old Santiago, however, is a model of politeness and appreciation when his parents give him a wooden cutting board for his birthday. In this video, uploaded to YouTube, Santiago’s parents fake him out even more by then giving ...

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Many kids, when presented with a cutting board instead of the tablet they really wanted, would make their displeasure violently, tearfully obvious. 10-year-old Santiago, however, is a model of politeness and appreciation when his parents give him a wooden cutting board for his birthday.

In this video, uploaded to YouTube, Santiago’s parents fake him out even more by then giving him a shoebox and making him think he’s getting a new pair of sneakers… until he opens it up to discover the tablet his parents told him they couldn’t afford to buy.

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Send A Box Of Shit To Someone You Hate With ShitExpress Wed, 05 Nov 2014 22:24:58 +0000 Perhaps you’ve been searching for just that perfect “fuck you” gift to send to your roommate, ex-lover, mortal enemy or coworker this holiday season. An ugly sweater doesn’t appropriately express your hatred, but a dead animal carcass could be construed as some kind of a threat from a disturbed mind and a gift certificate to Appleby’s is too passive-aggressive. It’s ...

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Image via ShitExpress

Image via ShitExpress

Perhaps you’ve been searching for just that perfect “fuck you” gift to send to your roommate, ex-lover, mortal enemy or coworker this holiday season. An ugly sweater doesn’t appropriately express your hatred, but a dead animal carcass could be construed as some kind of a threat from a disturbed mind and a gift certificate to Appleby’s is too passive-aggressive. It’s a difficult decision with few options. New startup ShiteExpress is here to help, however, offering discerning consumers a more simple solution: Poop in a box.

No longer will disgruntled people have to leave flaming bags of dog crap on their enemies’ doorsteps; for the equivalent of €12.95 (which is 0.05 Bitcoin, or about $16), ShitExpress allows you to “send a shit in a box around the world.” After first choosing an animal by contemplating exactly what color, consistency and smell you’d like your chosen excrement to have, you then provide ShitExpress with a shipping address and choose how you’d like your package wrapped, after which they’ll ship the box of poop anywhere in the world — no shipping charges included! If you’ve always wanted to be able to ship poo without any additional charges, this is the place for you.

Payment is totally anonymous, according to ShitExpress; customers can use crypto-coins like Bitcoin or Litecoin to maintain their privacy.

As much as this might sound like a joke, it is an actual service that delivers poop. Motherboard’s Jason Koebler tested it out for himself by ordering a box of horse shit, and received his poop two weeks later. He writes that it was declared a Halloween gag gift at customs, and also notes that ShitExpress currently only offers feces of the equine variety, but plans on adding other animals to its roster of poop producers — so if you’re been storing up some high-level rage, let it all out with an anonymous box of animal dung.

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Dad Finds Bag Of Meth In Daughter’s Halloween Candy Tue, 04 Nov 2014 17:31:59 +0000 The father of an 8-year-old girl in Hercules, Calif., found something he didn’t expect when checking over his daughter’s Halloween candy on Monday: a bag of meth. After calling the police, he handed over a small plastic bag containing a “white powdery substance” that, after being tested, was revealed to be 0.1 grams of methamphetamine, according to CBS San Francisco. ...

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screen shot via KBCW

screen shot via KBCW

The father of an 8-year-old girl in Hercules, Calif., found something he didn’t expect when checking over his daughter’s Halloween candy on Monday: a bag of meth.

After calling the police, he handed over a small plastic bag containing a “white powdery substance” that, after being tested, was revealed to be 0.1 grams of methamphetamine, according to CBS San Francisco.

Local police are asking parents to check their kids’ Halloween candy for anything suspicious; there is currently no suspect, as the girl was trick-or-treating in an area that was about a quarter of a square mile and her parents didn’t find the meth until looking through her candy at their home.

This could have been intentional or it could have been accidental and we won’t know until we speak with the person who did this,” Hercules police Sgt. Ezra Tafesse told the Contra Costa Times.

He said it was unusual but not unheard of for drugs (especially marijuana) to make it into bags of Halloween candy, according to the Times.

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This Woman Walked Around NYC For 10 Hours While Secretly Being Filmed So You Could See The Harassment Women Endure Every Day (Video) Wed, 29 Oct 2014 20:08:41 +0000 Many women would probably agree that walking down the street in jeans and a crewneck T-shirt is not exactly a provocative act, but it appears that they’re wrong, at least when it comes to New York City. The video below is the result of Rob Bliss Creative partnering with Hollaback! for a PSA about verbal street harassment; watch what happens ...

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Many women would probably agree that walking down the street in jeans and a crewneck T-shirt is not exactly a provocative act, but it appears that they’re wrong, at least when it comes to New York City. The video below is the result of Rob Bliss Creative partnering with Hollaback! for a PSA about verbal street harassment; watch what happens when actress Shoshana B. Roberts silently walks around NYC for 10 hours. In addition to getting endlessly catcalled and told to smile, Roberts is berated for not responding or saying “Thank you” when men yell things at her. A random guy also walks along with her for five minutes, because apparently that’s not at all a creepy thing to do.

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Watch This Fridge Dispense Candy Instead Of Ice (Video) Thu, 23 Oct 2014 01:49:16 +0000 It’s every kid’s (and many adults’) dream come true: a refrigerator that dispenses candy instead of ice. It seems that all you have to do is remove the water from your automatic icemaker, fill the space with candy and go wild. Or make a businesslike YouTube video like Deric Peace did, demonstrating the principles of icemaker candy dispensing. Either way, ...

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It’s every kid’s (and many adults’) dream come true: a refrigerator that dispenses candy instead of ice. It seems that all you have to do is remove the water from your automatic icemaker, fill the space with candy and go wild. Or make a businesslike YouTube video like Deric Peace did, demonstrating the principles of icemaker candy dispensing. Either way, candy! From the refrigerator! It’s like having your own personal candy robot.

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Lay’s Announces Winner Of Flavor Contest: Wasabi Ginger Tue, 21 Oct 2014 18:01:10 +0000 During this year’s “Do Us a Flavor” contest, Lay’s laid four somewhat gross flavors on the table. America was asked to vote in favor of either Cappuccino, Cheddar Bacon Mac & Cheese, Wavy Mango Salsa and Kettle Cooked Wasabi Ginger. The verdict? Apparently America likes wasabi-flavored potato chips. The contest began in July when the four new flavors temporarily hit ...

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Image via Facebook/Lay's

Image via Facebook/Lay’s

During this year’s “Do Us a Flavor” contest, Lay’s laid four somewhat gross flavors on the table. America was asked to vote in favor of either Cappuccino, Cheddar Bacon Mac & Cheese, Wavy Mango Salsa and Kettle Cooked Wasabi Ginger. The verdict? Apparently America likes wasabi-flavored potato chips.

The contest began in July when the four new flavors temporarily hit stores and assaulted taste buds across the country for approximately three months; the contest wrapped up last weekend. According to the Associated Press, about a million votes were cast on Twitter and Facebook, making Wasabi Ginger the newest permanent Lay’s flavor. (There’s no word on how many people spoke out in disgust against the cappuccino chips, but we assume that number is well above a million.)

Winner Meneko Spigner McBeth, a registered nurse from New Jersey, will win either $1 million or, according to BuzzFeed, 1 percent of the sale of the chips over the next year — whichever is larger. The three other finalists will each get $50,000 for coming up with flavors that made it to stores.

Past years have seen flavors like Sriracha enter the playing field; this year, Canada’s competition was between Bacon Poutine, Cinnamon Bun, Jalapeño Mac & Cheese and Tzatziki. One of the contenders in the U.K. one year was Cajun Squirrel. So what flavors will next year bring? It seems the possibilities are limitless… and squirrel-flavored.

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This Groom Orchestrated A Surprise Original Musical For His Bride, And It’s Awesome (Video) Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:45:08 +0000 Can’t think of a good gift for your new husband or wife? Try writing a musical! As seen in the video above, John wanted to do something really special for his new wife, Irene, so he secretly composed a short musical with the help of Blue Kite Cinema and had friends and family perform it at their wedding reception. The ...

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Can’t think of a good gift for your new husband or wife? Try writing a musical! As seen in the video above, John wanted to do something really special for his new wife, Irene, so he secretly composed a short musical with the help of Blue Kite Cinema and had friends and family perform it at their wedding reception. The musical, called “Centerpiece,” begins by interrupting the best man’s speech with a short little tune about flowers; it then escalates from there with further interruptions, followed by a fantastic interlude from the bride’s father about how awesome his silk tie is. As John wraps up the musical with a romantic solo, there are definitely some tears flowing, but don’t worry — the tie gets another mention.

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