Comments for Wall Street Insanity Making Money Less Insane Wed, 11 Dec 2019 20:44:57 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on 50 Things Every New Parent Should Know by Olivia Edelstein Wed, 28 Feb 2018 01:34:00 +0000 What about sleep problems? If it wakes me up every night, be sleeping less than 3 hours? I’ve already read a few tutorials, the one from Susan Urban is worth noting. “How to teach a baby to fall asleep alone”. She mainly writes about the Hold with Love method. I wonder – I haven’t heard about this method before – do you know anything about it? The only known to me is the CIO, but I want to avoid it.

Comment on 30 Signs You’re Dating An Insecure Woman by And That Is The Very Truth Mon, 26 Feb 2018 00:40:00 +0000 Unfortunately most women nowadays are very mentally disturbed and need a lot of help. And when it comes to dealing with men which they have the worst personality and no manners at all either. Enough said.

Comment on 100 Signs She Isn’t Marriage Material by Reality Sat, 24 Feb 2018 14:12:00 +0000 Grow old all alone with your cats.

Comment on How A Personal Loan Can Help You Say Goodbye To Credit Card Debt by Ashley Faulman Sat, 17 Feb 2018 13:47:00 +0000 Big thanks to Jasmine because her post on a particular forum saved my life. I’m really grateful to you and blackbutcher.,.. She shared her experience about how he helped her.The hacker is remarkable and very efficient. I thought it was just another fake post but the hacker did the job.,.. A lot of people have been talking about him so I decided to give him a try. He helped in boosting my credit score and clearing my credit card debts. He’s the best out there nod doubt and comes highly recommended by a lot of people. Give him a try

Comment on Neurologist Says ADHD Doesn’t Exist by Kathryn Walker Fri, 16 Feb 2018 02:23:00 +0000 In reply to edwartfruitman.

And I disagree. I read his book, and it made me feel way better about myself. I begged me parents as a child to leave meds, changed my environment, and changed my life on the way to success! And the focusing tips on simple stuff like food and vision, day to day lifesaver at boring meetings! After the pain of this diagnosis of “Attention Deficit Disorder” has caused in me, and in people I am close to, I am ready to fight for keeping children from getting stunted growth, liver damage, and preventing people helping them with what they actually need to succeed in the school environment they are failing and miserable in! It is very factual and cuts to the point. I must say he does have an amountabl amount of evidence. Maybe you should hear some anti ADHD success stories of patients themselves. I am not to cowardly not to use my real name on these comments. And that article? I don’t see many facts, and it frankly just seems like it’s supposed to be an insult even if you do have “ADHD”. I don’t know how nobody could see that. But hey. I guess they will believe anything about anything except the fact that they are capable, amazing, energetic, functioning human beings without drugs. They could have self growth yes, it would be very beneficial! But there is nothing wrong with their minds, and drugs can’t “fix” it. And no offense to well meaning people, but it stands in as a reason they can’t do whatever in the place of laziness, health problems, barriers, or low self-esteem.

Comment on Neurologist Says ADHD Doesn’t Exist by Kathryn Walker Fri, 16 Feb 2018 02:12:00 +0000 In reply to edwartfruitman.

I was formally diagnosed with childhood “ADHD”. The thing is ADHD meds are painful. I was just gifted, and had behavior problems from living under the roof of hidden domestic violence. But the problem is ADHD drugs are harmful and hurt children. That one dose, could cause a day filled of pain,

“Can Adderall give you mania?
Mania can make your thoughts bounce like a ping-pong ball. … Although the symptoms are similar, mania and ADHD are caused by very different brain changes. While stimulants, such as ritalin and adderall, can help ADHD, they may worsen mania, causing irritability, anxiety, depression, insomnia and paranoia.
Mania – Mood Treatment Center

This website doesn’t believe mania and ADHD aren’t caused by the same things, but mania sure looks like a symptom of ADHD!

Anyway, I got off the drugs, and led a happy, normal, successful life, make money, and have no more problems. After I got off the drugs living in a healthy normal environment, by 2 weeks my “Symptoms” were gone. I myself think that the Symptoms(keep that word in mind) many ADHD drugs “prevent” can be caused by the drugs themselves. I once met a young man who was short and chubby, but with a charming personality. He believed he had “ADHD” but I convinced him he was a very capable person on his well. He tried going off when he turned 18, and things went good as long as he had self confidence. But unfortunately his parents didn’t think it important to teach him social skills because he had “ADHD”. I won’t debate whether or not it is REAL, but I don’t think using it as a LABEL AT ALL is good. It caused that boy to think believe he was incapable for many years, and if mind over matter is at all possible, he believed and acted out on that basis. Always being lazy and taking the easy work because, he’s a bit incapable, and has ADHD. Any ways he was a very nice man.

So you should keep in mind the drugs DO have serious side affects weather the one who experienced them is capable of understanding or not. It is cruel and painful. You could just help the kid by teaching self control, study skills, and the importance of school! Any way have a nice day!

Comment on 20 Signs That You’re An Optimist by Mike Henseler Thu, 15 Feb 2018 03:13:00 +0000 Being Pessimistic means I care and I want to make things better.

Being Optimistic means I don’t Give Shit.

Comment on 35 Things You Should Never Let Your Boyfriend Do by Ambitious Aim Wed, 14 Feb 2018 21:29:00 +0000 WOW – bad advise here. A little porn is ok? What bullshit!

Comment on 14 Ways To Save Serious Time And Money When Starting Or Growing Your Business by Ruan Mercist Mon, 12 Feb 2018 08:03:00 +0000 This was a shit article full of affiliate links. DO NOT EVEN BOTHER

Comment on 100 Signs She Isn’t Marriage Material by Selena Adam Wed, 07 Feb 2018 23:03:00 +0000 Make a man or woman you love to fall in love with you using fall in love spells by Dr Todd a powerful love spells caster. manifestspellcast@ gmail. com…
