Cloud Computing Archives - Tech India Today Transform Your Business into Digital Technology Sun, 23 Apr 2023 19:25:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cloud Computing Archives - Tech India Today 32 32 Implementing Infrastructure As Code (IaC) With DevOps Fri, 21 Apr 2023 04:00:40 +0000 When it comes to automating the provisioning and management of your IT infrastructure, few approaches are as effective as Infrastructure...

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When it comes to automating the provisioning and management of your IT infrastructure, few approaches are as effective as Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

IaC represents your entire infrastructure in a machine-readable format, making it easy to spin up new resources and replicate existing ones with little to no manual intervention.

One of the biggest benefits of IaC is that it helps you achieve true DevOps nirvana: the ability to deliver new features and updates faster and more reliably without sacrificing quality or stability.

IaC can help you move from a manual configuration and change management culture to continuous delivery and innovation when done right.

Organizations that use devsecops (defined here by JFrog) to protect IP and data; will find that IaC helps them focus more on delivering their business goals and less on keeping their infrastructure running.

1. What is Infrastructure as Code?

IaC represents your IT infrastructure in a machine-readable format, typically using a high-level programming language. This allows you to version control your infrastructure like you would code and manage it using the same tools and processes.

By automating the provisioning and management of your infrastructure, IaC can help you speed up delivery times, reduce errors, and lower costs.

2. Why Use Infrastructure as Code?

You might want to use IaC in your organization for many reasons. Perhaps you want to improve your deployment speed or increase your team’s efficiency.

Or maybe you want to reduce the risk of human error when provisioning new resources. Whatever your reasons, IaC can help you achieve all of these objectives and more.

3. Some of the specific benefits of using IaC include the following:

  • Reduced time to market: IaC can help you deploy new applications and features faster by automating the provisioning and management of your infrastructure.
  • Increased efficiency: Automating routine tasks frees up time for your team to focus on more strategic initiatives.
  • Greater consistency: When all configurations are stored in code, it’s easy to ensure that everyone works from the same baseline. This reduces the potential for errors and inconsistencies between environments.
  • Improved collaboration: Storing all configurations in code makes it easy for multiple team members to work on them simultaneously.
  • Greater scalability: Automating the provisioning of new resources makes it easier to scale your infrastructure up or down as needed.

4. What Are Some Best Practices for Implementing Infrastructure as Code?

While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to implementing IaC, some best practices can help ensure success. Here are a few something to keep in the sense as you get started:

  1. Use Version Control: One of the most critical aspects of using IaC is storing all configurations in version control. This allows you to track changes over time, revert back to previous versions if necessary, and collaborate with others on shared configurations.
  2. Keep Secrets out of Code: It’s important to keep sensitive information from your codebase for security reasons. This includes things like API keys, database passwords, and so on. Instead, store secrets in a secure location such as an encrypted file or a password manager like LastPass or 1Password.
  3. Use Declarative Configuration Files: When writing your configuration files, it’s generally best to use a declarative style. This means specifying what state you want your resources to be in rather than writing scripts that perform actions step-by-step.
  4. Automate Everything: One of the main goals of using IaC is automating repetitive tasks. To achieve this goal, try to automate the provisioning process as much as possible, including prerequisites, dependencies, testing, etc.
  5. Use Infrastructure as Code Templates: Another way to automate repetitive tasks is by using templates. Templates provide a way to define common infrastructure patterns ( such as load balancers, web servers, and databases ) once, then reuse them multiple times throughout your codebase. This helps avoid duplication and ensures consistent results across environments.
  6. Review Changes Before Applying Them: Once you’ve made changes to your configuration files, reviewing them before applying them is essential. This helps ensure they’re valid and won’t cause any unexpected problems.
  7. Test Your Code Regularly: Like any other type of code, testing your infrastructure code before deploying it into production is essential. This helps catch any potential errors early on so they can be fixed before they cause problems.
  8. Keep Your Documentation Up to Date As you make changes to your infrastructure code, be sure to update any related documentation accordingly. This includes things like diagrams, runbooks, README files, etc.

5. Tools And Technologies for Implementing IaC

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a must-have for any organization that wants to improve its DevOps process. By using IaC, organizations can define and manage their IT infrastructure with code rather than using manual processes. This allows teams to take advantage of automation, scalability, and consistency in deploying applications and services.

DevOps teams leverage various tools and technologies for implementing Infrastructure as Code within their environment. Popular tools such as Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, Kubernetes Helm Charts, Ansible playbooks, Puppet Manifests, etc., allow you to codify your infrastructure deployments so that they can be versioned, modified easily and deployed quickly.

These tools can be used to define, deploy, and consistently manage your cloud infrastructure.

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5 Best AWS Certification courses in 2021 Mon, 25 Jan 2021 18:46:56 +0000 If you view this article, you might be excited to learn Amazon web services commonly known as AWS. Indeed, there...

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If you view this article, you might be excited to learn Amazon web services commonly known as AWS. Indeed, there are various ways to become AWS certified and give your cloud computing career a push.

Well! You can get both online and offline AWS training, tutorial or courses. But as technology is growing and people are looking for more opportunities, they always look forward to building new skills online.

Indeed, thousands of online courses or certifications available over the internet and choose the one from the entire list is a real hassle. Need not worry! This is because we are here for.

This article lists the top 5 AWS certifications that help you clear the cloud’s concepts and meet the unique goals. So, if you are interested in starting your career in the cloud industry, then it’s the right time to start preparing yourself to get your desired goal.

Now, without any further discussions, let’s take a rundown at the best AWS courses in which you can easily enrol and build a strong understanding of this platform.

5 Best AWS Certifications and Courses

Best AWS Certifications and Courses

Let’s get started…

1. AWS Solutions Architect Certification

It is one of the commonly chosen AWS certification training courses that help individuals learn, design, scale, and plan AWS implementation using various cloud computing services. This entire course is designed with the latest AWS best practices that help you master AWS architectural principles and benefits including, VPC, IAM, EBS, EC2. etc.

In this entire course, you will get three simulation exams (including 60 questions), 16 live demos of AW services, the opportunity to work on three real-time industry projects with integrated labs, etc.

The best part about this course is that it provides a 100% money-back guarantee and is ideal for programmers, solution architects, cloud software, DevOps professionals, and cloud software engineers.

The exam added at the end of this certification will test your knowledge about AWS-based applications, networking technologies, deploying hybrid systems with AWS components, deploying and designing applications on AWS, troubleshooting, AWS recovery techniques, and many more.

This AWS course offered by Simplilearn is categorized into three different sections: self-paced learning, blended learning, and corporate learning. So, don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to learn AWS concepts and get certified from a well-reputed brand.

2. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

AWS certified cloud practitioner course is specially designed for the individuals who want to enhance their skills and enhance their knowledge regarding AWS Cloud. This certification can help you understand all the AWS cloud’s basic concepts effectively if you are new to cloud computing.

Some of the areas covered in this course help you understand the basics of AWS architecture principles, use cases and critical AWS services, the value proposition of the AWS cloud, responsibility model for security and compliance, operating principles, and core deployment, and many more.

To start with this certification, it is recommended to have at least six months of experience in the cloud field. It can be either sales, managerial, technical, financial or purchasing. Also, I would recommend you join this course if you have a basic understanding of IT services with the AWS cloud platform’s benefits.

This course’s length is 90 minutes and covers all the in-depth details related to the cloud at an affordable range.

Useful reading: Amazon’s AWS Database Migration Service Exits Preview, Now Available To All Customers.

3. AWS Certification Training Courses

If you are looking forward to the course that helps you build your career in cloud computing, you can also keep this course on your consideration list. By doing this course, you will focus on Amazon Web services and get an Amazon certification, which will further help you get a job effortlessly. This course will also prepare you to clear the certification exams quickly.

All the content added in this course will enhance your expertise and fit your demand. This course will bring all the essential contents from AWS from one centralized place. This website will get an overview of the concepts regarding the AWS platform via free resources.

The duration of this entire online course is around 6 hours, including the practice questions. By joining this course, you will be able to deploy, build and manage the services without any problem. So, make sure you choose the certification that matches your requirements.

4. AWS Fundamentals for System Administrators

It is one of the other commonly chosen certification courses that can be an excellent choice for you. It will help you validate your AWS skills cost-effectively. It is a perfect choice for you, especially if you are looking for scalable and reliable infrastructure.

By joining this course, you will get an opportunity to learn the skills from scratch to advance. All the topics related to the AWS platform are included in this course. So if you are not a fresher, you can choose this course because you need to understand cloud computing, virtualization, and networking essentials.

After finishing this course, you will be benefited by getting certifications such as AWS certified solutions Architect and SysOps Administrator.

The best part about this course is that you get a chance to explore Elastic Beanstalk, CloudFront, CloudTrail, and CloudFormation. Moreover, if you want to know about Linux, DHCP, network protocols, Linux, DNS, and Microsoft, this course will make your AWS learning experience smooth and effective.

5. AWS Certified Developer

If you are in a development role having experience of one or two years, this course is for you. It will not only help you expand your skills but also allows you to maintain an AWS-based application.

This course is offered by Udemy and guides you to become confident in creating PHP code and Python. This course is enrolled by 80000+ professionals, in which you will get 17 hours of on-demand video and full lifetime access of 10 supplemental resources.

Moreover, it allows you to understand various factors like simple queue service, dynamo DB, simple Workflow service and simple notification service.

If you want to have hands-on experience in deploying, designing, maintaining, and developing applications, you can keep AWS certified developers into consideration.

Useful ReadingTop 5 Best AWS Security Services

In a crux | AWS Certification courses

Hopefully, the information added above and course details will help you decide which is the right course to reach your business goals. Well! The number of certifications is enormous, so the above checklist will make you familiarize with the procedures in demand and help individuals stay current and update your skills.

Still, if you have any query and want any help in making the right decision, then feel free to drop a message in the connect section below.

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The Benefits Of Cloud Hosting And Reasons You Need It Sat, 12 Dec 2020 18:26:11 +0000 Cloud Hosting has become pretty popular these days and also for an excellent reason. It’s a high performing, scalable, and...

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Cloud Hosting has become pretty popular these days and also for an excellent reason. It’s a high performing, scalable, and manageable hosting service that provides your business with a list of unique features. With the help of Cloud hosting, all websites and applications will be attainable through the cloud servers.

If you opt to cloud hosting services, you will get resources according to your necessities. It also supports NoSQL or SQL databases, and all the solutions are regulated and automated through mobile applications, APIs, and web portals.

1. Benefits to opt for cloud hosting

Cloud Hosting

Given below are several of the benefits of cloud hosting. Look below!

a. Provides a flexible pricing structure:

When you opt for a hosting service, you will get a monthly charge whether you want to use all the servers or not. But in terms of cloud hosting, you will only pay for the service that you will use. When your website is receiving plenty of views or wants a particular post to go viral, then you do not need to have to renew your package.

All you need to do is, scale all your supplies up when there is a traffic rush. After that, you can put it down when it’s back to normal.

b. Excessive server environment:

When you use a particular hosting service, your website will live on a single server. If something goes wrong on that server, then you cannot access your website until the server is fixed.

But if your hosting is superfluous, then a website backup will take over your current website within any seconds. With the help of a cloud hosting service, you will have a convergent life of your site, and your host will load with an immediate effect.

c. Reasons to opt for cloud hosting

There are many reasons to opt for cloud email hosting services, and some of them are mentioned below.

It increases the server uptime: The server uptime is said to be undeviatingly proportionate to your website. Cloud hosting assures no point of failure and also provides supreme hosting uptime. Since it’s an interconnected server, so if one single server cannot take up your offer, then multiple other servers will help in taking up the load of the failed one.

Increases the security: Under the traditional hosting services, you will share CPU specifications and the resources with other websites within the same to secure all the delicate information. But when it comes to cloud hosting, it will ensure your data in a variety of levels such as application, data, network, and physical security.

The cloud servers help in securing the data through the customer’s distinguished management, firewalls, storage disconnection, backup restorations, encrypted and reliable solutions, and data isolation.

Provides disaster and backup recovery: Cloud hosting comes with the disaster recovery feature as the data gets backed up within the interconnected server. Traditional hosting does not have a disaster recovery feature as it runs on a single server where you host your application and data.

Final Words!

Cloud hosting is currently the best and most preferred hosting option these days. It leverages the latest and the most advanced technologies so that you can combine and customize your software without any issues.

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MilesWeb Reseller Hosting Review: The Opportunity to Become Your Boss Wed, 21 Oct 2020 17:48:42 +0000 It seems interesting to see some businesses complementing others that roll out from similar services. Similar is the case with...

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It seems interesting to see some businesses complementing others that roll out from similar services. Similar is the case with reseller hosting, which is identical to a business opportunity compared to hosting itself.

Resellers sign a contract with a web hosting companies to buy hosting plans for reselling. Anyone who has a basic knowledge of web hosting can start with the reseller hosting business with minimal capital and fewer resources.

The reseller’s position is similar to that of a retailer if you consider it from ‘demand and supply.’ Resellers are a mediator between the hosting provider and the customers and buy the web hosting services in bulk from the provider and sell them to the customers. Reseller hosting business offers you plenty of benefits.

At first, it provides a stable supply chain from the provider. Then, you get a commission window for the intermediary. Thirdly, customers can get optimum hosting facilities at the best rates by considering that the orders initially come in bulk at wholesale rates.

All types of hosting facilities are included in reseller plans. Large organizations that are planning to cut costs may buy dedicated servers from these platforms. Customers get attracted to reseller hosting due to its cost-effectiveness.

Moreover, systems integrators are increasing and offer numerous cloud hosting benefits via interactions with several vendors or a singular, reputable source. Based on the expertise, the secondary provider may assume partial or complete management of resources.

The off-site facilities may comprise set up and control and redirect ticket-resolving issues towards the main provider. Clients that want to save the costs on other expensive plans can resell sources for purchasing.

There are a few primary providers that are available in the market. You can purchase reselling packages online and may vary based upon the resources available for managing the servers.

Reseller clients can get different facilities such as unlimited websites, unlimited email accounts, website building tools, choice of the operating system, mobile marketing facilities, and more.

These packages comprise of cPanel access for account holders that benefit from the reselling services. It indicates that the business clients will have the ability to configure options as per their convenience and requirements.

1. MilesWeb Introduction

MilesWeb Introduction hared hosting dedicated VPS server

Started in 2012, MilesWeb has become one of the best web hosting companies globally. They have all types of web hosting plans to cater to the needs of all types of businesses. May it be shared hosting India, dedicated, VPS server, cheap reseller hosting, or WordPress you need, and they have caught your back.

Apart from these, you get reseller hosting to start your reseller hosting business and cloud hosting for flexible business growth.

They offer round the cloud customer support with availability via live chat and email. Suppose you aren’t satisfied with their services or find something lacking in them, you can ask for a refund within 30 days of a service purchase.

2. SSD Reseller Hosting India Plans

SSD Reseller Hosting India Plans

a. Features

Free Migration: Migration is done with complete data security and free of cost. They will ensure that your entire website data is shifted on their servers without any loss.

Free SSL Certificate: Secure your website with free SSL offered by them. Moreover, improve your website’s ranking on Google and increase your visitors’ trust in your website.

Free Domain Reseller: Earn extra by selling domains to your customers, along with hosting services.
Host Unlimited Websites: Host countless websites on your web hosting account. It is allowed to host multiple domains within a single cPanel account.

100% White Labeled: You can sell the web hosting services with your brand name as they don’t mention their name anywhere on your cPanel.

100% SSD Storage: Storing data is faster with SSD storage because they offer faster performance than HDDs.

Web Host Manager (WHM): It is a powerful tool that allows you to monitor and control your clients’ cPanel accounts with WHM. It also gives you permission to create and manage multiple cPanels.

cPanel Control Panel: It allows you to manage their emails, domains, and websites from a web-based interface.

One-Click Installer: You can install more than 400 applications just within a single click.

Free Website Builder: You and your clients can build a website quickly by simply dragging and dropping the elements in the template chosen. You or your client can easily create a professional website that will not require any coding or programming skills.

Datacenter Choice: You can select a datacenter location of your choice. MilesWeb has global data centers in India, the US, UK, Singapore, Australia & Canada.

Malware Scan & Protection: Your website will stay protected from malware and viruses with their malware scan and removal tool.

Email Service: You get unlimited email accounts with their reseller plans. The Webmail supports POP3 and IMAP email accounts that allow accessing emails from anywhere.

b. Web Hosting Addons

  • SSL certificate: All your domains, sub-domains hosted under the reseller hosting plan are comprised of Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate. Here you don’t have to pay any additional cost.
  • Backups: Taking website backups is lifesaving, & it is highly recommended using the Website Backup and restoring service.
  • SpamExperts: These are professional email security solutions that help in incoming and outgoing email filtering. It is one of the most precise spam filtering solutions in the market.
  • VPS hosting
  • Dedicated hosting
  • Domain registration
  • WHO IS ID protection: With WHOIS protection, you can reduce spam & junk mails, hide your website information, and keep away the fraudsters & hackers from the website. Here you have complete control over your private information.

3. Conclusion

MilesWeb offers you the best opportunity to become your boss by providing you all the features to sell the web hosting services to your clients. MilesWeb will surely be the perfect option for starting your own business.

You get high performance for your website. You also get the most increased security for your reseller account. So, MilesWeb is a reliable, trustworthy platform that offers you quality server infrastructure.

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Cutting Edge Technology: The Future of IT Developments Tue, 13 Oct 2020 19:51:39 +0000 Cutting-edge is an innovation in technology that refers to logical devices or gadgets. The technological techniques or accomplishments that utilize...

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Cutting-edge is an innovation in technology that refers to logical devices or gadgets. The technological techniques or accomplishments that utilize the most current and high-level IT developments. It is at the forefront of leading innovation in IT industries. That’s why the leading technology is referred to as “cutting edge.”

Cutting edge technology is the most advanced in information technology (IT). Cutting edge technologies are the future for a high level IT developers. The cutting edge is also called as leading-edge technology or state-of-the-art technology.

Cutting Edge Virtual Reality (VR)

Cutting-edge equipment is the most advanced in a particular field. The innovation in cutting edge areas is connected to smart devices like IoT (Internet of Things), Smart homes, etc.

In information technology (IT) industries, cutting edge is frequently used to describe disruptive technologies such as the most recent technological improvements.

The IT leaders are pressured to incorporate cutting edge technologies and IT services. The option is to permit shadow IT to build the organization’s danger craving and maybe present operational and security risks to expand its consistent trouble.

Cutting-edge Information Technology (IT)

The term “cutting-edge technology” is an ambiguous word of content and often used in marketing and technology.

The related terms related to cutting-edge technology are State-of-the-Art Technology, Leading-Edge Technology, and Bleeding Edge Technology.

Cutting Edge Augmented Reality (AR)

1. Top 11 Examples of Cutting-edge Marketing Technologies

1. High Tech and High Fashion Technology
2. Augmented Reality (AR) Advertising
3. Virtual Reality (VR) Shopping Experience
4. NFC Technology
5. IoT and Wearable Technology

IoT and Wearable Technology

6. Facial Recognition Technology
7. Cloud Computing
8. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology
9. 3D Body Scanning Technology
10. Social Media Command Centres
11. Robotics and Automation

2. Video About Cutting-edge Technology

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Five Keys to Evaluate Your Cloud Contact Center Software Tue, 14 Jul 2020 12:31:45 +0000 One of the top challenges every business organization faces today is to work in alignment with its customers’ expectations. Business...

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One of the top challenges every business organization faces today is to work in alignment with its customers’ expectations. Business owners are aware of the golden rule of ‘customer is the king,’ and thus, they work relentlessly to achieve better customer experience. Call centers are a significant step in this direction, and cloud contact center software is the latest innovation!

Since the contact center services aim to offer the best to the customers, choosing the ideal software for the purpose becomes imperative. The software should serve as a virtual help desk center between the business and its customers, so the customers never feel lost.

Here are the top 8 factors that we suggest must be considered when choosing or switching to your new contact center software:

8 Critical factors to mind when selecting a cloud contact center software for your business

8 Critical factors to mind when selecting a cloud contact center software for your business

1. Choosing the right type

Probably one of the most important things to start with is choosing the right type of contact center! Call center software is broadly categorized into four different types. These are cloud-based call center software, hosted call center software, on-premise call center software, and browser-based call center software. These vary depending on the different features such as security, ease of use, deployment time, security, uptime, and cost.

If you are clear about your business’s needs, it can be a smooth experience to choose the right one out of these. Once you have carefully made this primary choice, the journey of choosing the right contact center software gets much easier ahead.

2. Look for the features you need

Now that you are already clear about your business need to take one more step in the direction and figure out the necessary features to run your business smoothly. Different software has different features, which means you will have to list the ones that are a priority for your business. Finally, choose a solution that has all or most of the features you’re looking for it.

3. The software should be flexible.

Flexibility and scalability are two prime features that modern-day businesses thrive on it. The business will prioritize flexibility that allows its call-center agents to access comprehensive software features from anywhere around the globe using the internet.

It does not just end with the flexibility to work from anywhere. It is also about flexible features that can be customized in no time and software solutions that can be configured within minutes.

4. The software should be scalable.

Flexibility gives way to scalability, which is why both are equally important for a business to run smoothly. While picking a call center software resolution for your business, always make sure that it is easy to scale it according to the requirements.

Some examples of scalability are you should be able to add or remove agents, customize features, or download new software according to the changing needs of your business. If your software lets you do this, you can go ahead without a doubt!

5. It should be easy to use

Without a doubt, the software should be easy to use, or there is no point in selecting the perfect one for your business! Imagine having a software solution that has all the above features but is not easy to use! It’s all a waste. To guarantee that you get the best choice in this regard, always have a free trial of the software and see how your agents respond to it. They must find it easy to navigate.

6. Training and technical support

It does not just end at having a cloud-based contacts center solution that is easy to use. You also need to have training material that is easy to understand. After all, your team largely depends on these to expand their knowledge base.

Several companies also offer to help to train the agents to use the software. It is always a good idea to collaborate with such companies since a little training, in the beginning, can save a lot of trouble later.

Technical support is as important as training support when talking about contact center services! After all, nobody can promise a foolproof solution. Having responsive technical support from the call center software provider is like having a best friend 24×7.

7. Customer reviews

Customer reviews

We all know that a company is recognized by the way it treats its customers. Make sure that you check the customer reviews before you make the final decision about a company. The number of complaints, how the company responded to those complaints, and the general customer reviews are factors that cannot be overlooked because they say a lot about the company’s customer service.

8. Pricing policy

More than being price-sensitive or trying to fit into a budget, this is about having a transparent pricing policy with no hidden fees in the name of implementation fees, training fees, etc. The company should be able to answer every query that the business has regarding any charges. You certainly do not want to end up in a contract with a pricing policy you do not understand!

9. Free trial

You absolutely cannot think about buying contact center software without having a free trial. An average period for a free trial lasts about 1 to 2 weeks. It is an excellent time to try out the software with all the different parameters and see if your team members feel positive. Some of the companies also extend the period of the free trial, if required.

The Final Word

Choosing a cloud-based contact center solution can be an overwhelming job for any company since the decision has long-term repercussions and high stakes besides varied choices. However, having all the factors mentioned above clear in your mind can make the task much more comfortable.

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