Here’s How To Get Free Bitcoin With Little Effort
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Whether you love bitcoin or hate bitcoin, there’s no denying that bitcoin has been shown to perform better than other asset. On an annualized scale, Bitcoin [has] returned 230%—10x higher than the Nasdaq 100, according to Yahoo Finance.
Well now you can stack some bitcoin for the future for free thanks to the Upgrade Bitcoin Rewards Card. The card pays unlimited 1.5% back in bitcoin with no annual fee.
Why not get free bitcoin when you make purchases with your credit card anyhow?!
The Upgrade Bitcoin Rewards card comes with credit lines from $500 to $25,000.
Apply for the Upgrade Bitcoin Rewards Card now.
Looking for places to invest outside of cryptocurrencies and stocks?

Vlad Kutepov on Unsplash
For years, blue-chip artwork was an area that only the super-rich could get involved in. But Masterworks has made it so that anyone can get started investing in top-tier pieces!
Investing in blue-chip artwork — which, according to Artprice, has outperformed the S&P by more than 250% from 2000 – 2018 — might be a good way to diversify your investments and safeguard your money in a fluctuating economy.
Here’s how it works. On the platform, you can invest in a portfolio of iconic works that have been carefully crafted by Masterworks’ team of research professionals. You can wait for Masterworks to sell the artwork at some point during the next 3-10 years, or you have the option to sell your shares to other investors on Masterworks’ secondary market.
You’ll only need to pay a small management fee, and in return, you’ll get all administrative costs covered, professional storage, insurance, regulatory filings, and annual appraisals.
To start investing, simply request an invite for membership today!